St. John's Shield 2oz - Flower Essence Services


Formula made from high quality flower essences, first developed by Dr. Edward Bach.

“Saint John’s Shield™ — Light Regenerative for Depression and Depletion

The radiant St. John’s Wort is ablaze with its yellow blossoms. Here at Terra Flora we are preparing solar infusions of these blossoms for our FloraFusion St. John’s Shield Oil, and also the base for our FloraFusion Benediction Oil. We are always thrilled to see how these marvelous golden blossoms turn bright red as they steep in olive oil.

The botanical name for this plant is Hypericum perforatum. “Hypericum” refers to its exalted status of solar brilliance at high summer. This same quality of Cosmic Light is connected with St. John the Baptist who was able to recognize the coming of the Christ-Sun to earth.

“Perforatum” is designated for the abundant oil glands which “perforate” the leaves and flowers of St. John’s Wort. Plants which are endowed with strong oil-bearing forces, are uniquely able to hold light and warmth. This helps us understand why the flower essence of St. John’s Wort and the herbal oil are so beneficial for states of depression and “cold” afflictions of the nerve-sense system. Over-all St. John’s Wort imparts a highly protective quality, helping the soul to anchor a network of radiant light that acts as a psychic shield.”

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